Keep Going, and don’t worry about your speed. You are making progress even if you don’t seem like it. Forward is forward no matter how slow.

So, where do I begin. Its not just this week but it has been a rollercoaster ride for me the last few years.

My biggest challenges are firstly I have so much on my mind, and I find it hard to process my thoughts or switch off. Once I get something in my mind, I need to have answers or get the problem resolved and I can’t rest until its done. I know I overthink, and I also know that sometimes there is no answer or solution to my thoughts, but I still can’t let it go.

This does not help with the problem that I don’t sleep well at all and I wake up in the middle of the night.

I have tried listening to relaxing music, calm meditation, candles & night tea but my concentration is not good. There are so many other things that people have recommended and it just depends what works for you.

I still don’t give up and I am always looking at ways to help my concentration and things like yoga, writing my blog and diary, helping others, does help me.

I feel at times some people don’t really understand what happened to me and instead of asking they decide to keep a distance which is not beneficial.

The stroke I had was caused by a faulty aneurysm which could have happened to anyone, but now that it is fixed, I am as healthy as any other person and the chance of me having another stroke is as likely as any other person.

Sometimes I push myself to much and want to please everyone which is not always possible.

I have been lucky to have so many amazing people in my life who have been by my side and continue to inspire and guide me, but I know at the end only I have to accept my journey and the new direction I have to take.

I have achieved so much this year and I am very proud of myself, I have been lucky to be working aside amazing people and have been able to help so many causes and children which truly inspires me.

With so much tragedy you hear about on a daily basis, you have to live every day as it’s your last and follow your dreams


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